We believe that it is our duty to contribute to sustainability in our line of business. That it is our duty to be a part of securing the future for the generations to come. We want to be able to look back at our achievements with pride, knowing that we did our part of the work.

Our goal is to develop ColliCare Logistics to become a leading provider of competitive and sustainable services for transport, logistics, forwarding and shipping. Along the way we wish to sustain a positive development with regard to ethical, environmental and social issues.

Our green initiatives resulted in, among other things, a Gold medal, 3 program participations, and more ISO certifications.


Green rail icon


By using our rail solution from Parma to Norway you will save our environment from 2,4 tons Co2 each trip! Knut Sollund, CEO

We also work for greener transportation methods 

One of our main and daily actions is moving freight of goods to transportation methods being more environmentally friendly, like rail freight and sea freight. We aim to always offer a greener freight method - giving our customers an alternative due to; cost, time, and environmental friendliness.

But there is more to be done, not only changing transportations methods but optimizing packaging and consolidations of goods contributes to lower footprints.


As sustainability plays such a huge role in all our major decisions, our risk analysis will always include

  • safety and risks

  • environmental issues

  • communication with interest groups

  • ethics and social responsibility

  • economic sustainability



Our green initiatives resulted in, among other things, a Gold medal, 3 program participations, and more ISO certifications.


green environment
green environmenr
green environment
rail from China amid green